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Introduction of Hacking

What is Hacking?

Hacking is identifying weakness in computer systems or networks to exploit its weaknesses to gain access. Example of Hacking: Using password cracking algorithm to gain access to a system
Hacking is the process of gaining unauthorized access into a computer system, or group of computer systems. This is done through cracking of passwords and codes which gives access to the systems. Cracking is the term which specifies the method by which the password or code is obtained. The person who undertakes hacking is known as the hacker.
The hacking can be done on single systems, a group of systems, an entire LAN network, a website or a social media site or an email account. The access to a password is obtained by the hacker through password cracking algorithms programs.
It goes without saying that most of the individuals, as well as business associations, use computers and laptops for all their daily needs. Especially for organizations (of any form), it is essential to have a computer network, domain or website, Wide Area Network (WAN) for a seamless flow of information and business applications. Consequently, these networks are under a high-risk exposure to the outside world of hacking and hackers.

Who is a Hacker? Types of Hackers

Hacker is a person who finds and exploits the weakness in computer systems and/or networks to gain access. Hackers are usually skilled computer programmers with knowledge of computer security.
Hackers are classified according to the intent of their actions. The following list classifies hackers according to their intent.


Also known as black hat, these types of hackers always have a mala fide intention and they access computer networks , websites in an unauthorized manner.

Black hat
The intent is for personal gain through stealing of confidential organizational data, stealing of funds from online bank accounts, privacy right violations to benefit criminal organizations etc. In today’s scenario, most of the hackers belong to this category and carry on their activities in a shady manner.

2.Ethical Hacker:

Also known as White hat, they  recoganize officially stamped hackers who access systems to identify
White hat
and eliminate suspected weakness. 

Other responsibilities include vulnerability assessment, cracking of codes of illegal, retrieval of crucial data required for security purposes. These are highly trained, certified and paid professional.

3.Grey Hat:

They lie between the above-mentioned type of hackers i.e.
Grey hat

they take the recourse of unauthorized access to a system but not with any fraudulent intent. The objective is to reveal the vulnerabilities and weakness of the system’s stakeholders.


These hackers are those who are focussed on  hacking websites and leaving information on such websites.
 This is to spread political, social, religious messages. This can also take the form of targeting other nations. A hacktivist is motivated by civil disobedience and seeks to spread an ideology. In some cases, this ideology includes total anarchy. Still, hacktivists are typically not motivated by malicious intent. Hacktivists also steal money or data in an effort to spread their agenda. However, their motivation is more like that of Robin Hood. They seek to take from those who have and give freely to those who have not. They typically see themselves as vigilantes who use hacking to enact social justice and policy changes.


A hacker who identifies and exploits weaknesses in telephones instead of computers. 
A phreak is someone who breaks into the telephone network illegally, typically to make free long-distance phone calls or to tap phone lines. The term is now sometimes used to include anyone who breaks or tries to break the security of any network.

6.Script kiddies: 

non-skilled person who gains access to computer systems using already made tools. 
Script kiddies
A script kiddie is someone who lacks programming knowledge and uses existing software to launch an attack. Often a script kiddie will use these programs without even knowing how they work or what they do.

For example, imagine a child gets their first computer. The child watches a movie about hacking and then downloads a copy of Kali Linux. They begin playing with the various programs while searching for online tutorials. At first, they may be perceived as nothing more than an internet troll or noob, due to their lack of experience and quickness to brag and boast. Sometimes they will even resort to cyberstalking or bullying. However , this may simply be a cover for other more nefarious activity.

Types of Hacking

    One of the most frequent threats of hacking is those faced by the websites. It is very common to see a particular website or online account being hacked open intentionally using unauthorized access and its contents being changed or made public. The web sites of political or social organizations are the frequent targets by groups or individuals opposed to them. It is also not uncommon to see governmental or national information website being hacked. Some of the well-known methods in websites hacking are:


The replicating the original website so that the unsuspecting user enters the information like
 account password, credit card details, which the hacker seizes and misuses. The banking websites are the frequent target of this.


These are released by the hacker into the files of the website once they enter into it. The purpose is to corrupt the information or resources the website. Once a virus has successfully attached to a program, file, or document, the virus will lie dormant until circumstances cause the computer or device to execute its code. In order for a virus to infect your computer, you have to run the infected program, which in turn causes the virus code to be executed.

3.UI redress:

The hacker uses the fake user id and when the user clicks with the intent of going to a certain website, they are directed to another site altogether.

4.Cookie theft:

Hackers accesses the website using malicious codes and steal cookies which contain confidential information, login passwords etc.

5.DNS spoofing:

This basically uses the cache data of a website or domain that the user might have forgotten about. It then directs the data to another malicious website.

World's Most Famous Hackers : 

  1. Kevin mitnick (most wanted)
  2. Jonathan James
  3. Albert Gonzalez
  4. Kevin Poulsen
  5. Nasa Hacker Gary McKinnon
  6. Robert Tappan Morris
  7. Loyd Blankenship
  8. Julian Assange   etc...

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