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How to get Neighbours WIFI Password ?

I’ve had several friends ask me the same question. How to hack into your neighbor’s WiFi network or a public WiFi network without them knowing. Is it really possible? Well, before we go into hacking into your neighbor’s WiFi network, you got to know these things.
1. Thou shalt not steal.
2. It is illegal to hack into any WiFi network without the owner’s permission. (even with)
3. Remember….Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor’s [including thy neighbor’s wifi].MK Researching4. If you still want to hack, remember that decisions have consequences. Your neighbor may not be as nice a person as you. He might be a better hacker or could do something terribly wrong if he knew you hacked into his WiFi network.


And please, DO NOT download any application on the app store, if they claim to hack into WiFi networks. None of them will. If they can, they won’t be listed in the app store in the first place (On Android Play store, it might still sneak in though).MK India ReadingWhat most of these app does is, it will either contain malware and put you in risk, sniffing our your own data OR it would just be a dummy app that pretends to hack in by just entering random passwords.


Hat tip to Labnol.
In Windows,open the command prompt. In administrator mode, type “cmd” in the Run box, right-click the command prompt icon and choose Run as Administrator . Now enter the following command and hit enter to see the WiFi password.
netsh wlan show profile name=addyourwirelessSSIDhere key=clear
Remember to replace labnol with the name of your Wireless SSID (this is the name of the Wi-Fi network that you connect your computer to). The password will show up under the Security Setting section.
If you would only like to see the password and not the other information, use the findstr command:
netsh wlan show profile name=placeyourwirelessSSIDhere key=clear | findstr Key
So, stop trying to hack, instead perhaps asking your neighbor to share his WiFi might be a better idea. You might actually make a good friend!

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